Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We made it into Madras last night after a rather painful 3 days of climbing especially For Tino, whose knee was acting up. Lots of ice and rest stops later, we pulled in to Madras early last night. We are staying with Stan and Mora from Warm Showers, and enjoying their hospitality very much. Tino's knee seems to be getting better as we take it slow, so we will enjoy a few more short days as we head to Idaho.  Weather has been great, tailwind all the way!  :)


  1. Praying for healing for Tino's knee.. Loved the pictures. Beautiful view of Mt. Hood.

  2. Glad to hear there's some improvement to the knee. Taking it slow is good! Enjoy the scenery and new people =)

  3. Happy riding, Tino and Bettina! Hope the knee heals quickly and that the weather holds! Hugs from Alaska!
