Sunday, August 18, 2013

New York State...and starting week 10!

We had a great time hanging out with friends in Cambridge Ontario. We enjoyed 6 days of rest, fun, laughter and good times catching up.  Thanks to Rob, Rhonda, Emily, Ben and Jake for such a nice break!  Unfortunately, I lost my pictures that I took, so I can't post any at this time.  I was able to recover some, but can't figure out how to post them on this blog.
   We went to Niagra Falls with Rob and Rhonda, who dropped us off there, so we could continue our journey.  New York has been a great state to bike in, with bike routes clearly marked and great shoulders.  We are making good time, following the historic Erie Canal all the way across.   Since we left Michigan, we have entered a land where towns are called villages, and church spires reach up from quaint downtown squares. Where towns are only 10 miles apart, and Victorian homes line most of the streets.  It is also the land of 90% humidity and funny accents....(yes, THEY have the accent!) :)
We reach Portland within the week!  Hard to believe we have come so far.

Coffee time!
Niagra Falls

Good friends

Strolling in Paris!

Lake Ontario

Leaving at the border.

Riding along the Erie Canal

Canal locks


Beautiful upstate New York

Old graveyard...gravestones from the 1700s!


  1. What a journey! Great pictures!! You two are adorable, you know. What a wonderful and memorable summer.

  2. Great pictures anyway, Bettina!! Historic takes on new meaning when it takes one back into the 1700's. It sounds like the "home stretch" will be quick and easier. Godspeed ! ! !

  3. Wow I love it. Great experience. Let's do one together. Southern trip
